Outlook: Solid Democratic
November 8, 2006 Update:
As the Crystal Ball predicted, Sen. Daniel Akaka (D)
August 2, 2006 Update:
This under-covered Democratic primary deserves more attention; the Democratic establishment in Hawaii is going all out to renominate (and therefore reelect) Senator Daniel Akaka. But Congressman Ed Case has a good “case” to make, given that both Akaka and his strongest ally, Senator Dan Inouye, are 81 years old. A change has to come to Hawaii, voluntarily or involuntarily, and some Democrats are tempted to make the change now. Our Hawaii observers are betting on Akaka, but we’ve noticed that they are not betting very much. That is a tell that the race could be closer than expected.
March 27, 2006 Update:
A representative of the new generation in the Hawaii Democratic Party, Congressman Ed Case has stepped up to challenge Senator Daniel Akaka. Akaka and senior Aloha State Democratic Senator Dan Inouye are “twins”–the same age and the same perspective. Case has got a good case, but the question is whether the ossified Hawaii Democratic Party will even listen. “This isn’t done” is the phrase most often heard from Dem. Party powers that be, and Inouye will probably help pull Akaka through to victory in the primary. An upset cannot be ruled out, however, because sometime people rebel against any political machine. Democrats will hold this seat in any event, since there is no serious Republican threat.
Senator Daniel Akaka held off a strong campaign by Ed Case to win the Democratic primary on September 23 by a margin of 54 percent to 45 percent. Hawaii’s Republican Party has selected a sixteen year legislative veteran, state Rep. Cynthia Thielen.
Brenan Richards, Crystal Ball Pacific Regional Correspondent
Daniel Akaka is running again, and he has the “D” next to his name. That should be enough, even at his advanced age of 82. The only Republican who might stand a chance is Governor Linda Lingle, and she’ll be running for a second term at her current job.