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J. Miles Coleman

2020’s Crossover Districts

KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE — 16 members of the House hold districts that voted for the other party’s presidential

J. Miles Coleman

2022 Senate Races: Initial Ratings

KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE — Republicans will be defending more Senate seats than Democrats in 2022, but both sides

J. Miles Coleman

Coalition Shifts in Senate Races: SC, KY, IL

KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE — The reelection victories of three long-serving senators illustrate some of the nation’s political shifts.

J. Miles Coleman

Wisconsin: Decisive Again in 2020

KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE — Once again, Wisconsin appears to be the tipping point state in the Electoral College,

J. Miles Coleman

States of Play: Virginia

Dear Readers: Join us tomorrow at 2 p.m. for our Sabato’s Crystal Ball: America Votes webinar. In addition to breaking

J. Miles Coleman

States of Play: Wisconsin

Dear Readers: In the next installment of our States of Play series — in which we’ll be taking an in-depth

J. Miles Coleman

Wisconsin: 2020’s Ground Zero

KEY POINTS FROM THIS ARTICLE — A perpetual swing state, Wisconsin seems poised to play a pivotal role in next

J. Miles Coleman