HILLARY’S 2006 SENATE RUN: A HARBINGER OF ELECTABILITY? November 1, 2007 Much of the growing sense of inevitability about Hillary Clinton’s bid for the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination revolves around the
THE LATEST CALIFORNIA TREND October 11, 2007 It would not be surprising if the most important single primary in 2008 takes place in California. But don’t look
LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON? September 20, 2007 America has known successful political dynasties in the last generation or two–the Bushes, the Clintons, the Kennedys. Not quite on
A MAP IN FLUX? August 23, 2007 A whole generation of young Americans may be growing up with the impression that the nation’s electoral map is locked
BILL AND HILLARY: JOINED AT THE BASE August 9, 2007 Bill and Hillary Clinton may not be joined together at the hip, but they are connected at the base. For
Huckabee-Clinton Test Chart December 31, 2000 Bill Clinton and Mike Huckabee are not only the most famous natives of Hope, Arkansas, but they have made similar