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Larry J. Sabato

To Repeat: Debates Matter

Over the past several weeks, your Crystal Ball has received several dozen e-mails from Bush supporters, chiding us for not

Larry J. Sabato

The Brutal Bottom Line

President It’s all about Bush, the incumbent, especially after John Kerry’s success in the first presidential debate in shifting the

Larry J. Sabato

It’s Over!

No, not the presidential contest, but at long last, the nomination season for Senate, House and Governor came to an

Larry J. Sabato

The Debate Debate

The candidates’ representatives are hard at work debating the debates–how many there should be, the topics, the conditions, and all

Larry J. Sabato

The Labor Day Assessment

Labor Day ain’t what it used to be. For generations the official start of the campaign, now it is merely

Larry J. Sabato

VET-ting the 2004 Ballot

In theory, the 25 million-plus veterans in the United States represent a formidable voting bloc. History, however, has shown that

Larry J. Sabato

The Big Elephant in the Big Apple

Presidential election history suggests several verities that might apply as the GOP convenes in New York City: 1. Incumbent presidents

Larry J. Sabato

Vietnam: Political Apocalypse Now

The extraordinary emotional exchanges we are witnessing daily about the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group leads us to one

Larry J. Sabato

The McGreevey Matter

Now that we are all finished picking our jaws up off the floor after Governor Jim McGreevey’s one-of-a-kind press conference

Larry J. Sabato

Let the Conventions Begin

As a veteran of 14 national political conventions–seven in each party–let me offer you, dear readers, a few brief observations.

Larry J. Sabato

The Last Hundred Days

Okay, the fun and games are over. The grim reality of Campaign ’04 is fully upon us. And there are

Larry J. Sabato

The Cheney Dilemma

As expected, the Kerry campaign has put George W. Bush in a box with the selection of John Edwards. And

Larry J. Sabato

Veep! Veep! It’s Edwards!

Our long wait is over, and John Kerry has given us all a lot to chew on with the selection

Larry J. Sabato

2004 as 1980?

Back on June 10, we issued an analysis that suggested just how similar the election of 1980 – Carter v.

Larry J. Sabato