Will Obama Need to Find His Inner “Wilson?” May 26, 2011 Take a poll of political pundits about next year’s presidential election, and most at this point would probably predict that
2012 Presidential Nominating Process: It’s Time for the States April 28, 2011 The two major parties have done their job in terms of setting the parameters for the 2012 presidential nominating process.
CONGRESSIONAL REDISTRICTING: IS CREATING “SAFE” DISTRICTS A DYING ART? March 31, 2011 When it comes to congressional redistricting, the nation’s most populous state is in a class by itself. About a decade
THE BATTLE IN WISCONSIN: A TONE-SETTER FOR 2012? February 24, 2011 Over the course of the last few months, MSNBC political commentator (and host of “Hardball”) Chris Matthews has popularized the
OBAMA AND REELECTION: ONE TERM OR TWO? February 3, 2011 When it comes to presidents and reelection, two things seem clear. If they appear to be in control of events,
2010 HOUSE RESULTS: A PORTENT OF INCREASED COMPETITION? December 21, 2010 Over the last generation a cottage industry has built up decrying the lack of competition in congressional elections. Not only
’94 AND ’10: SIMILARITIES, BUT DIFFERENCES TOO November 18, 2010 The memorable Republican victories of 1994 and 2010 are already linked as the two largest midterm landslides of the last
THE MIDTERM ELECTION OF ’62: A REAL “OCTOBER SURPRISE” September 30, 2010 This year’s midterm election has been compared to a number of others. But few political observers have brought up the
A TROUBLING INDICATOR FOR BOTH PARTIES? September 9, 2010 Virtually every leading political indicator points to a midterm election this November that could range anywhere from difficult to disastrous
PLAYING DEFENSE IN A RECESSION July 29, 2010 The political scene is not a pretty one: A new president facing his first midterm election with declining approval ratings
FOR HOUSE DEMOCRATS: MORE FAVORABLE TERRAIN THAN ‘94 June 24, 2010 Editor’s Note: Following last week’s article by Prof. Alan Abramowitz comparing 1994 and 2010 on the basis of open seat
MIDTERMS PAST: THE ’66 PARALLEL April 29, 2010 For months now, this election has been compared to that of 1994, when Republicans scored huge gains and won both
Hamstrung by Health Care? March 25, 2010 Each party in the last two decades has benefited from “big wave” elections to win control of the House of
2010 PRIMARIES: GAUGING ANTI-INCUMBENT SENTIMENT March 4, 2010 The 2010 primary season is under way, which at the congressional and gubernatorial levels is often no more than a
FOR DEMOCRATS, IT’S TIME TO WORRY January 28, 2010 For Democrats, it is officially time to worry. The party’s gubernatorial losses in Virginia and New Jersey last fall could