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Geoffrey Skelley

What Goes Around Comes Around?

Since President Obama’s reelection victory in 2012, a number of Republican state legislators around the country have proposed altering the

Geoffrey Skelley

Primary Particulars

After Tuesday’s contests in Delaware, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island, primary season is essentially over. Only Louisiana remains, but

Geoffrey Skelley

Senate Class Population Imbalance

The Crystal Ball’s Kyle Kondik recently published a piece in Politico Magazine on 10 maps that explain the 2014 election.

Geoffrey Skelley

How Veterans Vote

In Arkansas’ Senate contest, Rep. Tom Cotton (R) has a new ad that goes after Sen. Mark Pryor (D) for

Geoffrey Skelley

Exiting the House

Over the past 40 years, there have been many ways to leave the U.S. House of Representatives. Specifically, nine different

Geoffrey Skelley

Deep-sixing California

California is such a massive state — if it were an independent nation, it would have the eighth-largest economy in

Geoffrey Skelley

Does Obama have an approval floor?

On Dec. 3, 2013, President Obama hit his low point in approval as president, at least according to RealClearPolitics’ aggregate

Geoffrey Skelley

Could the Budget Deal Fail?

On Tuesday, Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Rep. Paul Ryan (R, WI-1) announced a two-year budget agreement that could potentially

Geoffrey Skelley


For the first time in his presidency, Barack Obama finds his aggregate approval rating hovering right at 40%. In some

Geoffrey Skelley

Five days to go in Virginia

Late last Thursday afternoon — after the publication of last week’s Crystal Ball — we revised our ratings of the

Geoffrey Skelley